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Quality and environment policy

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In galvanizados del Sureste, S.A (GALSUSA), we are aware of our responsibility with the environment and, therefore, the environmental impact of our company has been a constant concern of our general management. For this reason, we have developed the highest technological levels in our facilities to minimize and, to cancel the environmental impact that these involve. This has meant, in some cases, being pioneers in the establishment of controls, processes and measures of various kinds. Initially, they have been implemented in an experimental mode and finally, they have meant an effective progress in our processes.

In order to identify and prevent the possible environmental effects of the activity of our company and minimize our impact on the environment, we have implemented an environmental management system using the regulations established by environmental current laws. Thus, our quality management and environment system are based on the manuals and approved procedures that are permanently updated with the most suitable practises.

From the direction of Galsusa, we are aware of our greatest impact comes from energy and resources consumption, and for this, we pay special attention to industrial waste management, control of atmospheric emissions and the noise derived from our processes, the aim of complying with the regulations in force, prevent any contamination and establish operational continuous improvement to ensure that the system meets the requirements of the international standards.  For this reason, we maintain commitment to take actions to mitigate climate change and the sustainable use of resources which are transferred to our objectives programme.

The environmental management system is implemented and in process of certification by AENOR, conforms to the requirements of the standard UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015. Thus, compliance is given to the commitment of continuous improvement in our environmental policy.


Our environmental management system includes the following elements:

  • Quality and environmental policy. Public document where is written the commitment of Galsusa with the environment. (link to policy)
  • Organizational structure. Management has assigned responsibilities for the maintenance of the quality and environmental management system.
  • Registration of the legal requirements and other applicable requirements.
  • Identification and assessment of direct and indirect environmental impacts generated during the life cycle of our products and services.
  • Establishment of objectives and annual environmental targets.
  • Environmental management programme. Allocation of responsibilities and resources with a temporary planning of the different necessary activities to achieve its compliance.
  • Training plan for workers. Annually it is defined for all company staff with respect to environmental awareness.
  • Operational control. Monitoring of environmental aspects of our factory.
  • Compliance of legal requirements is subjected to periodic evaluation.
  • Annual audits of the environmental management system that is subjected to two types: internal and external (both certifying authority and customers)
  • Annual review of the system by management.
  • Formal evaluation of the condition and conformity of integrated management system in relation to quality and environmental declared policy.



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